As silly as it may sound, this is kind of going to be a new year's resolutions and goals post. In 2021, I want to believe I matured and grew, and most importantly, I turned a year older, I am finally 18! The feelings and illusions of being 18 are matters that I shall discuss in another post. I wouldn't necessarily say that I am proud of 2021 and who I am right now, but it's still impressive to me how I made it this far. In 2022, I want to grow and mature more, especially in the realm of independence and self-exploration. I can be vibrant with goals but struggle to paint all the colors of my missions. However, I am not going to give up. 2022 has to be a great year (I hope I didn't jinx it). It's the year I graduate and start a new journey in my education by going to college. I want to start the year optimistically.
Continuing from the previous year, I have some goals that I hope can be expanded.
Work on my business
Currently, my business has been existing for six months now. Right now, in the products, I'm selling clay jewelry and crafts online. First, I hope this year I create more of an online presence and post more of my artwork. Second, this year is to be at least halfway into being able to print stickers, which includes owning a printer, being able to scan my designs, and figuring out my shop art style and icons. Besides the stickers, I want to expand on clay and ceramic products such as sculptures, dishes, and pins. Lastly, I hope that by the end of 2022, I hope I have made at least 50 sales.
Reading and Writing
This blog!
Job and Car
Be in college!
Wish me luck and have a happy new year!
P.S. Please comment or contact me for book reviews and recommendations! Thanks.