Instead of wistfully and enthusiastically writing a scholarship essay, I decided to write this instead. Despite the pressure being undeniable, there is no doubt in my mind that there will only be more of a rise in it as 2022 begins. I recently noticed people around me started applying for the same scholarships and programs, a slight nudge into the fuel of the academy I attend. Another newer event in my life is that I finally decided what degree I want to pursue, Social Work. I believe that throughout my teenage years, I wanted my work and career to create a positive impact on the rest of the world. I vividly remember that my main goal when creating movies was to make comfort films that could console and encourage audience members; I hoped to make something relatable and helpful. I want to be a social worker to help as many people as possible and make the world a better place.
Truly, I think the field I am choosing to follow is one with some risk but almost no competition, which has not been welcomed into my peers or family. Referring back to the gimmick of my school that I mentioned earlier, competition is everything. Granted, every top half or top ten percent of a school is competitive, but I never expected the disapproval to come in the way it's come to me. I think because so many of my peers have been raised in this school, competition means rewards to them. I understand that the world is full of competition. Competition can mean rewards and advancements, but I never liked the concept. Looking back into past competitions, I feel like no one was ever professional or, I guess, nice about it. But school isn't about being nice.
I think because the world isn't nice, no one is favoring a job where you have to be nice. But I want to be a social worker more than any other career aspect. I already love social work; I just never liked the competition in other careers.